Featured Services

  • Jessie presenting in front of podium

    Foundations of Disability Inclusion

    Audience: Anyone unsure of where to start conversations related to disability or how to be an ally.

    While many companies understand the need to implement legal components related to disability in the workplace, few are confident in approaching the human side of these conversations. In this session I introduce different social models around disability and understand how they show up in daily work life. We’ll focus on creating a safe space to understand how these models impact our personal points of view and begin to explore better ways of framing conversations around disability in the workplace.

    This session is great for both internal speaking engagements and conference keynotes or workshops. 45 min - 1 hour.

  • Image of black PC laptop with adaptive keyboard attachmemt.

    Introducing Accommodations Workshop

    Audience: People managers.

    This interactive workshop dispels common myths that often block the execution of accommodations. Through case study exercises, we will learn and practice approaching a range of common situations in which managers may find themselves. This includes what to do when you suspect an accommodation is needed but not yet requested, how to respond when your employee requests an accommodation, and how to create psychological safety for employees requesting accommodations. Sessions can be customized to include the logistics of your organization’s specific accommodation request process at no additional charge. It is recommended that a member of HR is in attendance to answer any process-related questions at the end of the workshop.

    Interactive workshop; 1.5 hours; capacity limited to 35 people per workshop.

  • Black background wish several white text blocks, each containing words or partial words

    Join the Conversation: Learn the Language of Disability

    Audience: Anyone eager to understand the importance of language and learn more deeply than a “what to say and not say” list of terms.

    Simply put: people are nervous they’ll say the wrong thing. In this session, Dr. Suzanne Wertheim introduces key concepts of inclusive language particularly relevant for language around disability, such as the cycle of pejoration (how word meanings become more negative) and ways we talk to people that show they are presumed incompetent. Jessie Wusthoff, disability subject matter expert, will then bring these concepts to everyday life. This includes the background of everyday terms so you understand why people prefer alternate wording, understanding person-first versus identity-first language (is it people with disabilities or disabled people?), and how to apologize and move forward when you make a mistake. Attendees will leave with greater understanding and confidence for future interactions and conversations.

    Presentation; 1 hour; a maximum of 30 participants recommended, but no formal cap.

    Please inquire about an extended 1.5-hour interactive offering with case studies and practice exercises.

  • yellow background with green chat bubble

    One-on-One Coaching Engagements

    Audience: Those unsure of how to drive inclusion and equity at any career level.

    Feeling excluded from inclusion?

    It’s easy to feel isolated, nervous, and frustrated when trying to figure out your role when it comes to progressing diversity, inclusion, and equity. You may feel left out or like the work seems to go against your beliefs.

    Build confidence without criticism.

    Training can be great, but simply isn't how some people experience optimal learning. People have new questions over time and many learn best through conversations. One-on-one conversations enable a safe learning space for the real questions you aren’t sure who to ask or if it’s even ok to ask. Along with coaching on actioning new insights, our convos will amplify existing knowledge and create new learnings to support successful leaders.

  • Image of floor reading 'Passion led us here' and feet of two viewers

    Coaching for DEI Professionals

    Audience: Those considering the DEI profession or in their first few years in DEI.

    DEI practitioners are driven by their intrinsic need to move the needle on equity, a task that is often exhausting to say the least. We must understand how to assess and navigate organizations to make the biggest possible impact while simultaneously understanding how to navigate the impact of our personal experiences along the way. Whether you’d like to evaluate the right role for your contribution to DEI progress, discuss how to navigate current blockers, or look at how to balance your commitment to your mission with your commitment to yourself, we’ll take a collaborative approach in finding your next steps using co-active and NeuroLeadership principles.

  • Black and white picture of a laptop close up

    Responding to External Events

    Audience: HR and communications teams.

    Is your organization always worried about the impact on employees and reputation from saying the “wrong thing” around national events around legislative changes and hate crimes? Are you unsure whether you should say anything at all?

    With the increasing expectation that companies respond to fast-moving, significant national and global events, many organizations are left unsure of what to say and do (if anything) in any given situation. My work includes proactively supporting companies to navigate notable external events as well as real-time guidance through specific situations. Our partnership will result in more consistent and authentic responses to external events from your organization’s leadership team.

  • Group of five people seating around a table, looking at screen and white board

    Focus Group Facilitation for Difficult Topics

    Audience: People Ops teams building DEI and engagement strategies.

    I bring a neutral and grounded facilitation approach to focus groups that are often intimidating and overwhelming. This has included sessions related to supporting employees in times of rising violence against BIPOC communities, election tensions, and concerns around internal equity. My offering includes meeting to understand the catalyst for holding a focus groups, tailoring a specific set of questions in alignment with the session goals, and facilitating the focus group sessions. The final deliverable is a summary of insights provided by participants. An additional deliverable with recommended action steps is available for an additional fee.

  • Close up of open notebook with pen and folded glasses

    Additional Needs

    Interested in a service you don’t see here or a longer-term, strategic engagement? Additional offerings include program and policy equity review and “observe and report” sessions.

    Please reach out to discuss how I can support your organization.